Beautiful Minds:Introverts!!!

Hello, Amazing People!!!

Here, is another episode dedicated to my Life Experiences...

Quoting a great man that once said...

" You are completely allowed 
   to avoid things, that are
   sucking your Energy
   as long as you are able 
    to succeed without it  "

 With that said, Let's Get Started...!!!

Like many living species on earth introverts also come in a wide variety of shapes, types, forms, and sizes depending on their personality type (google it). So, here is this episode dedicated to these beautiful minds...who are shy, socially awkward, low on energy (a myth), disconnected with reality as mistakenly described by the world...which is only seen through a naked eye and not an insightful eye...well the world might not have one but the ones reading this blog should definitely have one that's what my mission for this blog is all about. 

But the only thing that the world sees about introverts is  "what they do?" and ignoring the fact of "why they do?" ...will answer this question in this stay tuned !!!

The main objective of this episode is to burst the myth about the introverts and highlight the fact what causes one to choose to be an introvert and how it helps one over the period that only a few can know.

To Glorify introverts I would like to jot down some of history's and  today's world's renowned introverts  that are :
  • Mahatma Gandhi
  • Albert Einstein
  • Isaac Newton
  • Stephen Hawking
  • Barack Obama 
  • Bill Gates (Ambivert but more of an introvert )
  • Mark Zuckerberg
  • Eleanor Roosevelt(Famous Public Speaker)
  • Elon Musk
  • Larry Page
  • Emma Watson
  • J.K. Rowling
  • Warren Buffet
  • Sundar Pichai

Well, the list can go on and on...the only motive here is to tell the power of an time before judging an introvert keep these figures in mind.

In this episode, we gonna discover...

Come, Let's dig upon these points deeper...

Decoding Myths...

#myth1: Introverts are Low on Energy...

This is the biggest misconception facing introverts "low on energy".Introverts thinking levels are multidimensional given the situation in which they put themselves with their mind analyzing the situation and reacting to it. This all funnels it down to PRIORITY...the things that the world considers important is by no means necessary introverts consider it the same ...They are the energy savers ...
"saving energy from waste to gaining energy for invest..."

That's how the mind of introverts works...

#myth 2: Introverts are shy and quiet...

Yes, this might be the truth for sure for justification needed as already described by google but what the world doesn't know about introverts is their comfort levels and feeling of connection that remains dynamic until they connect the dots in why they do?  of what they do? often seen by the world as in a confused state...introverts are not a that random guy out there on the streets that can be directly given a topic and they start opening up themselves...they need a reason so to be enthusiastic in what they say and why they say...      


#myth 3: Introverts are loners...

yes, introverts are people who like to be away from the limelight and enjoy one's own individual company in a case where finding people alike them is difficult...only an introvert can attract another introvert understanding introvert. Introverts are peaceful souls who like to be from away noisy shore somewhere around deep in the middle of their own sea of thoughts which is way above the normal or average minds. The following picture depicts this scene completely...


#myth 4:Introverts won't get along with extrovert...

This, one remains a myth....not a truth. Today we have prominent greatest leaders in the tech world who started their journey as an introvert, which completely indicates introverts are ambitious, determine, yet noise head people that adapt to the surrounding very well in which they are put synchronizing with a different frequency of human to contribute to the growth of organization or company. They can be choosy with their belief system but yet never compromising on their database which keeps growing with the time that adds up to their knowledge lust.

#myth 5: Introverts don't like to take Risk/Lacks Confidence...

This one also remains a myth...well, if you look at history some of the amazing actors known to the world such as Jhonny Depp, Tom Hanks, Meryl Streep, Emma Watson, J.K Rowling, Nicole Kidman happens to spell a big 'S' Success in the profession anyhow never suited for an introvert which definitely refers that risk-taking has nothing to do with passion or being introvert or do play at the front foot when the time comes.

#myths 6: Introverts Are Rude...

This is just not the myth but also a misconception that defames introvert of being rude rather than they are the people with extra sensitive thinking, disability of socializing randomly puts them in pressure which they don't know how to handle the situation which, in turn, results in a flight response through adrenaline rush kicking in this scenario. They are unable to overcome their anxiety in a way that a normal person can do resulting in arrogant or rude behavior that some people see.

Qualities that make Introverts Attractive... 

Introverts are silent species with loudest minds that in turn which makes them explanation needed but apart from this there are few things you can see in them which make them successful in the pursuit of life...and adds to professional life.  

  • Handling situations independently and responsibly.

  • Fewer friends but deeper ones and long term friendship.

  • Reading and texting people and expressing them better always trying to avoiding calls.

  • Cool, calm, composed, and in control all the time.

  • As said not a random person planned and organized hustles with no shortcuts.

  •  Always self-exploratory rather than people's fingers due to spending time alone.

  • Listening to people is the best advantage of being introvert coming up with the required solution and attention to detail power no matter what the circumstances.

  • Spending time in solitude helps them to create more space for them. 

  • They are the most trustworthy people, someone that doesn't break the line of the trust no matter till the line in E.C.G goes straight.

  • Growing up introverts face a lot of misconceptions and misunderstood situations that help them to be a grown-up as compassionate individuals flexible, adaptable, and helping their fellow partners in their endeavors rather than expecting one. 

  • Last but not the least Great Imagination. 


Transformation of Introverts...

There is nothing such as transformation for introverts because a major factor that differentiates introvert is being comfortable in their own skin that's the differentiating factor that embarks upon the journey of an introvert in the world no matter where one goes...but what changes are the ideology, the approach, way to understand and able to connect by developing meaningful connections, getting comfortable with the uncomfortable....well these are the lot whole of years am talking about don't consider it as some magic wand spinning as in some magical movies.

Research has shown being introverted is more of a personality trait. A habit that can remain or visible for a longer period in a toddler or a child, unlike maturity that changes with time. 

In general, sometimes an updated version of an introvert might look like an extrovert. But an Introvert transition goes through an ambivert...


Well, to understand better let's look at the following table:

Now, Moving on to the next one...

Struggles in the life of an Introvert...

  • Can appear as aloof and difficult to get to know. 
Introverts don't mean to be this way. As it takes time for them to warm up before they come out there and put themselves completely open to the world. They want you to like them first and then they break in with their move.      
  • Hate being in the spotlight...doesn't crave for attention...
Sometimes, They hate when they are asked to come up with ideas in meetings apart from passive communication where they are continuously running their brain horses. Also, introverts can blow your mind if they are asked to come up with the idea ahead of time of the meeting.

  • Can be Quiet and drown by loud and persistent voices...
This is the difficulty that arises when introverts activate their thinking mode through their responses. They consumed by their thoughts so much that they don't feel important to state out loud their opinion.

  • Sensitive to feedback
They don't see criticism as constructive feedback. Apart, they are always willing to take any such allegation personally. They are open to feedback only in a constructive manner. 

  • Being Anxious about privacy and communication
Introverts can find situations challenging that others might find comfortable. They don’t wish to feel so exposed that they are unable to focus, such as open office layouts. They always dread making small talk, whether in the elevator or at networking events, feeling both awkward and forced. But they love connecting with people through more in-depth and meaningful conversations about things both people care about. In these moments, they can often be mistaken for extroverts...flooded with energy!!!

Now, last but not least the most awaited part of this episode...

Professions that fit Introverts...

Well as such given the minds of introverts that is the biggest strength they have so, there exists no profession in which introverts cant succeed but given the time and rate of growth as a parameter for measuring individuals success and considering the behavior of introvert, there are some roles that exist in which introvert can succeed more rapidly.

As introverts are the people who like to be a low key and don't indulge them more in people's things at least until the time it becomes necessary. Also, they are the people who are a great fit for the organization or a team that has a forward-thinking leader. So these few professions are the most suited for Introverts...  

  • Freelancing Consultants
Well, this is the first profession that comes to mind when talking about introverts sharing their technical expertise with and around the world. It may prove to be the best source of income for introverts. Various fields where they can share their expertise are related to.
  • Software development as a freelancer programmer, as programmers are the people who are more of an introverted kind. 
  • Anything related to IT.
  • Feilds related to finance such as Financial Advisors, Accountants.
  • Introverts can be best Counselors sharing their experiences and know-how to newbies etc.
  • Legal Profession
Well, the Profession just not Involves being a lawyer a lot of work also goes behind the scenes such as Paralegals who are most of the time involved researching and studying the cases and helping a team of lawyers to win the trials. Apart, from this also major amount of attorneys are introvert.

  • Business to Business Sales People
This is the role that involves stakeholders that are associated with the business at a higher level and listening, understanding the needs of the business, and customizing your offer to what the business demands which makes introverts the best fit for the role. 

  • Teachers/Professors
Given the knowledge and expertise that an introvert develops over time and also an instinct for being a perfectionist makes them most suited for this role. Also, research has shown that when introverts teach a subject or impart their expertise on a matter they are interested they ought to connect with the audience more and better as compared to extroverts.

  • Social Media Marketing
We are already living in a virtual world already where the content is your property and putting out content on the net is a no big deal for an introvert of something which they really feel passionate about given the expertise and experience that they have acquired on the niche.
  • Creating content on the net and using the social media platform to show it to the world.
  • Focusing on and improving the quality of content.
  • Targeting a set of audience. 
  • Attracting brands and sponsors for promoting their product on your channel.
  • Mastering Recursion and engagement with the audience.

These are some of the professions that can best fit for Introverts...

Given the world's population, introverts account for 30 to 40%  of all races of human species in the world and organizations which lead to the celebration of "Worlds Introvert Day" on the 2nd of  January every year.

That's...The End from my side for today's episode...
This is the song dedicated to Introvert...

It's Mr.Rock Signing off...see you in the next episode!!!

Thank you, Alvida, Basalamat, Take Care all you lovely Freinds...💚



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