
Hello People,
I am the boy who lived(11:11).A Peace Loving Soul done with the  boring chapter of my life and on to the next rocking chapter of my life. I hail  from a humble upbringing/background and a source of major motivation comes from my IRON MAN and DUMBELDORE. I like problem-solving, help people with my areas of expertise that include programming, mathematics, and cognitive learning abilities a polymath with passion to live a beautiful life and create beautiful world around. Currently pursuing interest in tech and writing. Not sure what the future holds but its one thing for sure I will make it beautiful no matter what, for me and people who surround me. And hence I write my heart in this blogs.    

I m on a journey to learn, discover, and reinvent myself beside the footsteps of my Iron Man with stronger beliefs, actions, and higher thinking. 

This blog is for the public interests and my loved ones to share my learning with no strings attached. Being an engineer I support knowledge as something that can be imparted for free. 

Recollecting what my fellow engineer once said...
"Lena ho to lo, warna jaane do...!!!"


  1. Feel Free to reach out to me in case of any queries or guest posting on the blog using this contact form ➡️➡️➡️ !!!
