
Hello Strong Fellas!!!

Quoting Loneliness a great man once said...

"You can live alone, work alone, travel alone

while feeling at peace with yourself,

it's just loneliness hits differently..."

Back with yet another episode of this month...Here is the song dedicated to this episode.

Well, one might ask why loneliness...well there is an answer to that in the latter part of the episode but for now, I would like to say that life is not been easy from childhood to school and from school to college to the job where some significant part of your life you have been habited to live alone in different parts and phases socialism doesn't come that handy. And loneliness mine friend is one such thing that every finest human face along the way but why discuss???...the answer is simple you just need to be aware that some people are fighting the battle within and when you are aware of such thing you will be able to deal with the problem of people and not just the people better...So, here is the episode dedicated to the Unsung Warriors not everyone knows about... also the motive of the episode here is not to justify but to really discuss the problems of lonely people to understand their situation better.

So, It's not wrong putting it this way...

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Loneliness--What the F***K??? 

Before getting started with today's episode would like to quote...

A great man Once Said...

"People Only applauds  heroes,

            When they pick the trophy,

           And not for the Catastrophy,

            They Went through  for getting there..."

So, what's in for today's episode?

  • Why Loneliness?
  • Types of Loneliness.
  • Symptoms of Loneliness. 
  • Is Loneliness Dangerous.
  • Loneliness in lockdown.
  • Misconception about loneliness.
  • Loneliness Epidemic...Take a Look.
  • How to cope/deal with loneliness.
  • Song for Modern Loneliness.
  • What is the UCLA loneliness scale online?
  • Take Loneliness Quiz here.
Apart from this, there is a bonus in the end. So, don't miss the end...

So, come on folks let's get the party started...

Why Loneliness...?

"loneliness quotes" ,"loneliness synonym" ,"loneliness meaning", "loneliness definition", "loneliness and depression" ,"loneliness of the long distance runner", "loneliness epidemic", "loneliness images" ,"loneliness poems" ,"loneliness bible verses", "modern loneliness lyrics", "my loneliness is killing me" ,"modern loneliness" ,"how to deal with loneliness", "how to cope with loneliness" ,"how to overcome loneliness", "the loneliness of the long distance runner", "speed of the sound of loneliness" ,"songs about loneliness", "ucla loneliness scale"

Loneliness as described by Dr. Vivek Murthy a surgeon general of the united states and author of the book "The healing power of Human Connection in a sometimes lonely world!!!" is something that happens "when our expectations for connection and the reality of our connection don't match up".This is what leads to one developing a protective barrier around oneself and looking for more refined connections. As Discussing further Dr. Murthy in his book explains that loneliness is of three types:
Types Of loneliness...
1.The Intimate/Emotional Loneliness:
This is the one that develops from the longingness of a close confidante or intimate partner someone with whom you share a deep mutual bond of affection and trust or the one I term as a magic bond.

2.Relation/Social Loneliness:
The deep seeking of quality friendships and social companionship and support from one's so-called close circles and loved ones. This is the bond I term as  Companionship Bond because this bond also determines how the reality of your life will be transformed over the years. 

3.Collective Loneliness:
The hunger for a network or community of people who share your sense of purpose and interests. This is the bond I term as the learning bond. Because the quality of these bonds determines not the success but the ability to be limitless and take risks. Meaningful connections have the power to change society as a whole.

So, loneliness can also be a factor of influence from the above lacking of bonds. Sometimes people living in isolation tend to generate negative thinking about other people resulting in isolating themselves more often from others.
Having discussed the above types does it means loneliness can be circled around these three only??... The answer is no there exist many other types too which are discussed by various other psychologists and researchers based on situation places and considering various stimuli such as social, emotional, psychological and chronicle but the dimensions pinpointed in these above three types covers almost wide spectrum which is mostly seen in lonely people and vice versa. Loneliness is just more than a bad feeling and has major consequences on our health. Also, one should know that loneliness is not synonymous with isolation. If there is no desire for social interaction and there is no one around you, then a person is lonely and vice versa, one can be alone and not feel lonely at all. If you think feeling lonely may be a smaller part of bigger problems, you should seek professional help who specializes in treating loneliness as a mental illness.

loneliness images,loneliness quotes,ucla loneliness,loneliness epidemic,loneliness,depression,modern loneliness,

In general, one strangest thing about loneliness is the experience of loneliness is highly subjective. you can feel lonely even when surrounded by other people. It is a mutable personality trait that can be changed with adequate therapies and activities practiced over time.

Now, how does one identify loneliness in its former stages...

Symptoms Of Loneliness... 
"We all are together,
but we are all dying of loneliness"-Albert Schwitzer

loneliness images,loneliness quotes,ucla loneliness,loneliness epidemic,loneliness,depression,modern loneliness,

Loneliness as a defect can be identified through the following traits:
  • Low Energy or Brain Fog
  • Sleep Problems
  • Being very Obsessed or having a lack of interest in food.
  • Increased feeling of anxieties.
  • Getting sick more often
  • Increased attachment to materialistic things
  • Feeling hopeless, worthless, or increased feeling of depression.
  • Binge Watching Series. 
  • Addicted to social media and disconnecting from the world
  • Experiencing Distorted Reality(A person may show bipolar behavior towards the world).
  • Extremely comfortable with one's behavior and resistance to change.
  • Increasing Self Talks.
  • Exhaustion and burnout when trying to engage socially.
  • No Close or best friends. You have friends but they are casuals ones or acquaintances and you feel you can find no one who gets you.
  • Inability to connect with others on a deeper or more intimate level but engagement with them is at surface level. The others  Can be your friends, family. This develops feelings of disconnection which seems never-ending as well as also makes others uncomfortable.

Is loneliness Dangerous?

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 According to a study based on the behavior of lonely people, loneliness is regarded as a chronic illness that gets worst over a period of time. Loneliness if experienced for a longer period of time can affect your health in many ways. For example, loneliness can drive up your cortisol levels in the body. Cortisol is the hormone your body creates when under stress. Over time higher cortisol level can lead to inflammation, excess weight gain, insulin resistance, problem concentrating, and more, you can read more about this hormone here.

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Long term feeling of loneliness also affect your brain health and in some case increase the risk of dementia(a syndrome that is a group of symptoms that affects mental cognitive tasks such as memory and reasoning.) and Alzheimer's (it's a disease that falls under dementia in which brains shows significant shrinkage.)

loneliness images,loneliness quotes,ucla loneliness,loneliness epidemic,loneliness,depression,modern loneliness,

Furthermore, loneliness due to social isolation can affect our physical health resulting in decreased immune function, sleep disturbances, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, stroke, metabolic disorders, and is a risk factor for mortality in older populations.

These are some of the side effects of loneliness we discussed. But there exist 6 other kinds of loneliness which are termed as cool loneliness such as less desire, contentment, avoiding unnecessary activitiescomplete disciplineNot wandering in the world of desireNot seeking security from one's discursive thoughts. To know more about this here is the link to go through.

loneliness in lockdown...

loneliness images,loneliness quotes,ucla loneliness,loneliness epidemic,loneliness,depression,modern loneliness,loneliness images,loneliness quotes,ucla loneliness,loneliness epidemic,loneliness,depression,modern loneliness,

After the hit of Covid-19, it's been almost two years we have been living in the self-quarantine mood and getting used to the so-called ' New Normal' avoiding meeting and attending video conferencing,  maintaining social distancing, being away from our second home whether it may be offices, colleges, schools, and might be some of us may miss that travel life that we used to have pre covid, although some relaxation we experienced a few months back for the few months and now we are again hit by the second wave that has now lead us again back to 'new normal' in which masking up and home quarantine is our only way out from this pandemic. Due to the occurrence of current circumstances, we are experiencing mixed of suffocating ( an anxious feeling of when this all will end) and happiness (being grateful to work from home and stay closer to the family and not to mention the most important luxury of home-cooked food 😍) emotions. This everything combined has resulted in the loneliness epidemic which we are facing currently.

That's a wrap for today's episode part-1 now to make it better and interesting and overdose will continue in the part-2 Coming Soon!!!

Ending with a quote on loneliness 
That Great man that Once said...

"No Matter How Beautifully,
my courage has put it 
out there all together,
deep down there inside my heart,
there exist a part that is,
highly ruptured, broken, and damaged
that requires the healing..."    

Till then,

Here is the Song dedicated To Modern Loneliness by Lauv...

Until the next episode...it's Mr.Rock signing off!!!

Shukran,Alvida,Basalamt...Take Care all you lovely friends except those who are out there roaming and also the ones roaming without a mask...you should probably die sooner...!!!💚💙💜


Connecting Science With Spirituality!!! Follow along to discover the nonstop expedition of my journey!!!

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